About Us
The City of Woonsocket is surrounded by the growing suburban communities of Lincoln, Cumberland and North Smithfield, and boasts a positive business climate where City officials and the business community can work together to build a strong economy. Companies moving to Woonsocket will find the area affordable, with diverse housing choices, quality health care, a skilled labor force, a modern public school system, and access to five private schools, including the prestigious Mount Saint Charles Academy.
Today, Woonsocket is served by 11 Roman Catholic and 3 Baptist churches, as well as Apostolic-Pentecostal, Assembly of God, Church of Christ, Eastern Orthodox, Episcopal, Jewish, Lutheran, Ukrainian Catholic, United Methodist, and Universalist congregations.
The City is home to Landmark Medical Center, a full-serviced medical facility, offering quality care to area residents for over 100 years. CVS Corporation, a fortune 500 company, is headquartered in the City.
Woonsocket is centrally located in the Boston/Worcester/Providence Triangle, with direct interstate connection to Route 146 and I-295 by way of the newly constructed Route 99. Driving time between Woonsocket and Providence is 15 to 20 minutes. Boston can be reached via I-295 or I-495 to I-95 in about an hour, while travel time to Central Worcester via Route 146 is approximately 40 minutes. State routes 114, 122 and 126 run through the City, providing connections to the Interstate System.
Did You Know...
That there are only two Woonsocket's in the United States? Woonsocket, RI was the first, established in 1888. The other, Woonsocket, SD, was named by its superintendent of railroads who had originally come from Woonsocket, RI.
The first inhabitants of what is today the city of Woonsocket were Eastland woodland Indians - mainly Nipmucs, Wampanoaags and Narragansetts.
By the mid-nineteenth century, Woonsocket had grown to become one of the largest textile manufacturing centers in the United States.
The first free public library in Rhode Island was located in what is now City Hall.
Infastructure & Public Improvements
Woonsocket has a state-of-the-art wastewater treatment facility and is in the process of designing and building a new drinking water facilitiy. The regional wastewater plant is currently operating substantially below capacity, and the City's water system is in the envious position of having excess capacity exceeding one million gallons daily. These resources place Woonsocket in a favorable position to attract and service new businesses.
The City has engaged in a comprehensive program of park and conservation land acquisition and development. With state and federal financial assistance the City has embarked on a multi-million dollar street reconstruction program and the rebirth of Main Street.